What We Believe

The Creator, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus are all God. God is one, in three persons. We affirm the Apostolic Creed’s formulations about the nature and being of God.
God leads with grace, so we do too. God loves us and wants to be in reconciled community with us. We cannot earn or deserve God’s love, it’s freely given to us. We believe that we are called to model this kind of radical and subversive love in our world.
The Bible has a lot to teach us about who God is, what it means to be human, and how to live a good life. It teaches about our responsibility in the social, political, and economic landscapes we inhabit. We take the Bible to be an authoritative and sufficient testimony for the construction of faith.
Everyone reflects the image of God. No exceptions. For us, inclusion means loving everyone because of who they are, not despite it. We welcome everyone to full and equal participation in the church, embracing peoples of all races, cultures, abilities, sexual orientations, and genders.
We believe Jesus calls us to be in solidarity with those who experience poverty, marginalization, dispossession, and oppressions of every kind. Jesus has called his followers to stand against institutions, cultures, and industries that harm individuals, communities, and ecosystems.
One of the first things the Bible teaches about God is that they are the Creator. Shortly after that, we learn that humans are created in the “image and likeness” of the Creator. We believe that creativity is inextricably linked to holiness, and creative freedom is essential to human flourishing on every level. We could not be a church without artists.